Saturday, April 30, 2011

Removing Penile Papules Without Surgery

So we have actually covered how to actually remove your penile papules through surgery, which is of course.. again, one of the most effective ways to do so.

Pearly penile papules treatment with Radio-Frequency and CO2 laser removal are the recommended surgery so, if you should choose to, do check with your local doctors or dermatologist if you wish to have your ppp removed using the medical and professional approach.

Thus, for many who wish however, not to use the surgical approach but still wants to have your ppp removed, then... there are some interesting and exciting news for you.

There are certain home remedies that certainly can help to removed the lesions from your penis. So.. how do home remedies or DIY ways of removing penile papules work ?

Simply, these DIY methods actually involves applying the penile papules products on the papules, thus, allowing these remedies to destroy the cell structure of the papules, thus, removing and allowing them to come off naturally.. all without leaving any scars.

Of course, there are certain things that you may wish to note when using these home remedies.. that is to say, you need to ensure that the remedies is only applied onto the papules, so that the surrounding skin is not involved or touched.

One such tip or tactic that you can use is to use a cotton bud for targeted removal and application. This will ensure that only the papules are being touched and affected and not the surrounding skin.

When done correctly, you should be able to see your penile papules getting smaller and be gone in 2 - 3 weeks time.

Of course, you should also keep in mind that you must always wash and dry clean the area around the ridge glands of the penis before any application is being carried out.

The most effective DIY method for penile papules removal here - PPP Removal At Home

Friday, April 22, 2011

Pearly Penile Papules Treatment For Guys (Con't)

Well, this is a continuation entry post on the previous pearly penile papules treatment for guys post. In this entry,we'll talk about another very popular and effective way of treating and removing pearly penile papules.

As you probably already know, the best way to removing or treat ppp professionally, is to undergo surgery. As these little lesions are "physically" removed, there really leaves no room for error, thus, ensuring that you can have a clean and papules free penis in just less than 60 minutes.

That is the main advantage that surgery have over home remedies as home remedies requires some testing and the time taken for the "pearly free" result is usually longer.. at about 2 - 3 weeks.

The recommended penile papules surgery is of course, CO2 laser. While this treatment cost for pearly penile papules may be slightly over the edge, it is your guarantee way of a scar free penile as they are so laser targeted that your surrounding skin is not at all hurt, or damaged.

Another surgery treatment for papules removal is radio frequency. It is probably the newest way that dermatologist has introduced to the market today when it comes to ppp removal.

Radio frequency surgery is a bit similar to the CO2 laser surgery, but it uses a different part of the electromagnetic spectrum. CO2 laser uses light waves while radiosurgery uses low-temperature, high-energy waves in the radio bandwidth.

The low temperature and high energy waves ensure efficiency in removing the lesions and at the same time, reducing the damage caused to the surrounding skin.

Other forms of surgery(apart from CO2 laser) pales when they compared themselves to radio frequency because of its unique "low temp, high energy" characteristics. But when you compare this to CO2 laser, obviously, the CO2 laser removal method is more targeted at the lesions, thus, damage to encompassing skin is much lesser and unlikely.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Pearly Penile Papules Treatment For Guys

Pearly penile papules treatment are readily available for guys who have ppp. though it is completely optional, many guys find their ppp unattractive and thus, wanted to get rid of these little papules once and for all.

One of the major reasons for this is that pearly penile papules, if unknown, are often mistaken for genital warts. Thus, as guys, ego is one of the major factor when it comes to pleasing his women... especially when his "manhood" is being questioned.

Most guys are afraid that their partners may feel disgusted because of their pearly penile papules, thus, refusing to have any intimate relationship with them. As such many seek help to remove pearly penile papules so that they can regain back the confidence that they once had in front of the ladies.

One of the best pearly penile papules treatment of course is surgery. And the recommended surgery that has been proven over and over again to be the most effective one, is the CO2 laser removal.

The CO2 laser removal surgery is a pearly penile papules treatment that uses CO2 laser to remove the lesions by vaporizing it. The fact that it is laser targeted, the surrounding skin is not hurt or damage in any way.

Thus, it is very unlikely of scarring.. and that is to say, you will have a clean, "new", papules free penis after the treatment.

Of course, there is without a doubt that there will be swelling after the surgery but then, it should recover within 2 weeks without any pain or whatsoever left.

There are other surgery options available in the market at a cheaper price and cost as compared to the CO2 laser. Then again, their effectiveness is generally not as high profile as the CO2 laser method, which has been recorded and recommended again and again by doctors.

More reading on surgery options: Pearly Penile Papules Treatment

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pearly Penile Papules vs Genital Warts

This is a continuation to yesterday's post on pictures of pearly penile papules. It has come to my attention that not knowing genital warts and what pearly penile papules are is a danger sign for the 2 are not supposed to be mixed.

So, let us look at the difference between the 2 of them:

First off, genital warts are a form of HPV virus and are transmitted through sexual activities. They can usually appear at anywhere of the penis, including the shaft, balls or even the head of the penis.

They are usually produces discharge like pus, can be painful and itchy at times. In other words.. you actually feel the irritation of these warts on your penis.

The way they are formed is that they can actually congregate together to form a cauliflower like "balls" which continues to grow and covering most parts of your penis. In fact, they can even swell and makes everything very scary looking.

Pearly penile papules however, are different. They are not contracted through sexual activities nor are they, in anyway, appearing in any parts of the penis.

Ppp only appears at the ridge glands of the penis and no other places. They do not congregate but instead, appears and grow in rows.

They don't produce any discharge nor are they in anyway, swelling, painful or itchy. In other words.. you don't feel them.. as if they are non-existence.

Again, here are a pearly penile papule picture and a genital wart picture to let you see the difference.

You can see clearly from here how the 2 looks, one congregates, while the other, doesn't. So.. it is important that you understand this at this point of time before we go into the details on pearly penile papules removal.

However, if you aren't too sure, you can always visit your local doctor and see if they are warts or papules. Remember.. it is important not to mix the 2 together. while they may in some way, look alike, they are 2 completely different symptoms and conditions.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pearly Penile Papules Pictures

In the previous post of pearly penile papules, we did cover that ppp or hirsutoid papillomas as some would call it, is harmless and is in no way, any danger to human health.

In fact, 25% of the male population in the world have them. They usually appear in guys between 20 - 30 years old although cases and reports of guys as young as 12 starts showing signs of these pearly penile papules appearing.

However, it is important that you do not misunderstand or group genital warts and pearly penile papules together because, they are in fact, completely different.

There is a distinct difference between the 2 of them and the fact that pearly penile papules are harmless and genital warts are, I think it would be better if i post some photos and pictures of pearly penile papules just so that you can see how ppp looks like.

The below images shows you a close up view on hirsutoid papillomas aka pearly penile papules:

As you can clearly see, there are little dome shaped like pimples growing from the ridge glands of the male reproductive organ.

They are pearly white which gives them the name of pearly penile papules.

Again, if you compare these pearly penile papules pictures with yours and see the similarity between the 2, then, yours is most likely ppp and you can be more or less, relax for they are again, harmless to health.

Click here to see more pearly penile papules pictures.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Pearly Penile Papules - An Overview

Pearly Penile Papules - It was as usual, a normal day for you... and suddenly, you notice these little dome like bumps growing out of the ridge glands of your penis. You wonder if they are just pimples... and then.. you realize that there are a couple more growing...

They certainly look like warts or even worse.. a form of skin cancer... and you goggled online just to know what happening to your precious little one...

Only to discover they are pearly penile papules... or rather, in some case, also known as hirsutoid papillomas

So what exactly are pearly penile papules ?

The cause of pearly penile papules, till this day, are still unknown. They are best known as blocked sebaceous glands and are completely normal for a healthy male.

They are non-infectious and does not pose any health threat to you or anyone close to you.

The only thing about pearly penile papules however, is that because they do look a bit like genital warts, some girls might feel disgusted and reject going into any intimate relationship with you.

That is why there are many people who seek to remove their ppp either through home remedies or go through pearly penile papules treatment with professionals, thus, removing their ppp through surgery.

However, as of now, it would be important to note that pearly penile papules are completely normal and harmless.